B&B Dell'Olmo

Excellent (27)
Bed & Breakfast | Via dell'Olmo, 55 - Biassono | Zona: Centro
Cell. 340 4604216
Regional identification code: 108009-BEB-00001
National identification code: IT108009C14FRWLIFN
B&B Dell'Olmo take part to B&B Day 2024
Guests love it because: abundant breakfast, cheap, in the city center, near the station, the design of the property, charming property.
Location and style
Our B& B is at Biassono art and culture location, in an area of great history, architecture and culture, quiet, for enjoying a stunning panorama, in the old city centre. "B& B Dell'Olmo" is hospitable and comfortable.
Our location and the surrounding area offer our guests a chance to enjoy the scenery and experience local cuisine on various food and wine tours, take in countless cultural events and unique exhibitions, exploring museums and exhibition areas, enjoyable long walks in the many gardens and stunning surrounding countryside.
Nearby our guests will find several monuments and famous places sports and fitness centres for working out on holiday.
Our property is the perfect place for families who want to stay in a home from home, for conferences and business travel, for a romantic holiday in a quiet, reserved setting, if you're looking to spend time in untouched nature.
Accommodation features
Our guests can take advantage of rooms with different bathroom options (private, en-suite, shared), free Wi-Fi, heating rooms, car park, parking space, well-tended garden, a light-filled terrace.

You can sign up for various excursions (trekking, cycling/mountain-biking) to enjoy local beauty spots.
Our rooms
In the air-conditioned rooms our guests find hairdryer, internet access, mirror with luggage rack.
We can accommodate up to 6 guests in:
1 room "Camera Quintupla" will accommodate 5 people
1 room "Camera Studio" will accommodate 1 person
Hosts will provide the information needed in Italian and in English, French, Spanish.

A continental breakfast is offered that includes milk, coffee, tea, biscuits, homemade cake, fruit juice, bread/toast with butter and jam.

  • Air Conditioning
  • Romantic Atmosphere
  • Parking
  • Garden
  • Free Wifi
  • Family
  • Business
  • Hair dryer
  • Heating
Declared by the Innkeeper

Availability request
Choose date and rooms then wait for the confirmation from the host

27 reviews

Overall Rating
27 reviews
Property: 9 | Cleaning: 10 | Host: 10 | Location: 10 | Price/Quality: 10 | Breakfast: 9
Excellent structure, just a few steps from the Autodrome and the center of Biassono. Welcoming environment as well as the managers, who made us feel at home throughout the stay. We will definitely return.
stayed from 08/29/2024 to 09/02/2024
Property: 10 | Cleaning: 10 | Host: 10 | Location: 10 | Price/Quality: 9 | Breakfast: 9
We stayed here for the Grand Prix weekend and it was a very pleasant experience. The managers were very kind and available, a family-friendly and comfortable environment, like being at home. A B&B from the old days. Very convenient location, quiet and at the same time very close to everything, everything reachable on foot in a maximum of 10 minutes (except for the train station, which can be easily reached by bus). Entrance to the circuit is a 5-minute walk. We will definitely return.
stayed from 08/30/2024 to 09/02/2024
Property: 7 | Cleaning: 7 | Host: 7 | Location: 6 | Price/Quality: 7
Nice, we had a good time.
stayed from 04/14/2024 to 04/17/2024
The answer from the host:
Buongiorno. Grazie e arrivederci alle simpatiche sorelle! Giuliana
Property: 10 | Cleaning: 10 | Host: 10 | Location: 10 | Price/Quality: 10
Great B&B, highly recommended.
stayed from 10/07/2023 to 10/08/2023
Property: 10 | Cleaning: 10 | Host: 10 | Location: 10 | Price/Quality: 10 | Breakfast: 10
We stayed at the B&B Dell'Olmo on the night between the 25th and 26th of July 2023, on the occasion of the big concert of the Boss at the Gerascia meadow, in the very close Monza racetrack. Giuliana and Roberto made us feel at home right away: they provided us with a nice room with comfortable beds and a bathroom that we used only, although we were not the only guests in their home. They patiently waited for us at the end of the concert and the morning after they served us a simple but abundant breakfast, complete with cake and homemade jam. But the secret of B&B Dell'Olmo is certainly the availability, kindness, and friendliness of the hosts. On the only day we were their guests, Giuliana and Roberto showered us with attention and good advice: where to eat before the concert, what to visit... and even life advice (see P. S.)! We will definitely return to Monza to visit everything we have not yet had the chance to see. Highly recommended, thank you! Roberto and Doriana. P. S. Roberto followed your advice and that of your old principal and accepted that position, Giuliana!
stayed from 07/25/2023 to 07/26/2023
The answer from the host:
Ciao ragazzi! Grazie per la bella recensione. Sono contenta che Roberto abbia accettato il posto di lavoro offertogli... speriamo che possa trovarsi bene ed iniziare una nuova carriera. Spero siate riusciti anche a vedere la Cappella Espiatoria.... ultimo compito assegnatovi: guardare sito INPS per riscatto università. E' stato un piacere conoscervi e avervi con noi: speriamo di rivedervi presto a casa nostra per una vacanza a Monza. Buona estate e buona vita Giuliana e Roberto
Property: 8 | Cleaning: 9 | Host: 10 | Location: 9 | Price/Quality: 8 | Breakfast: 8
Quiet and peaceful location, a few minutes walk from the bus stop that takes you to Monza station and the entrance to the park where the Autodrome is located, all the environments are clean and tidy, extremely friendly, helpful and affectionate owners, you don't feel like a guest when you are with them.
stayed from 07/24/2023 to 07/26/2023
The answer from the host:
Buongiorno Stefano e grazie della tua recensione. E' stato un piacere conoscerti e apprezzare la tua passione per la musica del Boss! Spero il viaggio di ritorno sia stato più tranquillo di quello d'andata con il nubifragio ...Arrivederci, se vorrai tornare a trovarci Giuliana
Property: 1 | Cleaning: 4 | Host: 1 | Location: 6 | Price/Quality: 1
A truly negative experience, we have been traveling with the team for years but we had never experienced such treatment. The owner was really unfriendly and rude, providing us with incorrect information. I can't even comment on the insinuations she made, as if a team of athletes could steal children and take them overseas. I would have preferred to end the trip definitively closing this forgettable experience, but since I was asked for a review, I thought it was right to report the horrible experience we had. Despite the hostel owner being informed that a team would be staying with them and despite me sending the ages of the athletes specifying that they would arrive with teachers, therefore without parents, the owner had the brilliant idea to call the police to make sure we weren't child traffickers. The structure was run-down, a small and narrow attic furnished with random shoddy items. Considering the price we paid, it was not really what we expected. I think I have said everything.
stayed from 06/24/2023 to 06/26/2023
The answer from the host:
Buonasera. Premesso che di lei ho solo un nome e cognome, non essendo venuta personalmente presso il nostro B&B dell'olmo, ma avendo solo richiesto il preventivo, vorrei farle presente alcune cose: la vostra richiesta via Whatsapp era per due adulti e due bambine di 13 e 12 anni, alle quali si è poi aggiunto un bambino di 3 anni e mezzo con comunicazione telefonica e poi conteggiato nel preventivo. All'arrivo il bimbo e una minore non avevano i documenti d'identità, richiesti per soggiornare nelle strutture ricettive, secondo la legge nazionale. Ho fatto presente alla signora, madre del bimbo, che io non potevo ospitare chi non ha con sè documenti e avrei chiamato i Carabinieri per le verifiche di identità che competono loro, come è avvenuto velocemente. La pattuglia intervenuta ha ricordato alla signora l'obbligo di avere carta d'identità o passaporto ( i soli documenti riconosciuti, non il codice fiscale!) di chi viaggia e addirittura la delega dei genitori di minori presenti senza un familiare. Non ho mai detto che fossimo in presenza di bambini rapiti, ma ho fatto presente che nel primo quadrimestre 2023 in Italia sono scomparsi oltre 5000 minori, cosa ribadita anche dai Carabinieri, e che noi gestori siamo obbligati alla registrazione entro 24 ore degli ospiti. La ragazzina ha fatto avere in breve tempo, tramite i genitori via Whatsapp, la foto fronte e retro della sua carta d'identità. I carabinieri hanno richiesto l'invio con la stessa modalità dell'atto di nascita del bimbo (riconosciuto figlio della signora Vanessa) e mi hanno consentito di ospitare tutti quanti ( cosa che non avrei fatto senza la loro verifica). Mi spiace abbiate confuso la professionalità ed il rispetto delle leggi con la mancanza di cordialità. Noi non siamo un ostello, ma un B&B e la camera mansarda di mq.35 con bagno privato interno è ampiamente illustrata dalle foto del sito. Le avevo fatto presente che l'accesso è tramite scala a chiocciola interna al nostro appartamento, ma mi aveva detto che non sarebbe stato un problema per delle atlete.....Il nostro arredo non è IKEA o MONDO CONVENIENZA (tranne 2 librerie Billy con libri per bambini e riviste), ma mobili e complementi d'arredo d'epoca, restaurati dalla Bottega del Restauro di Monza "Più unico che raro", inseriti in un contesto moderno appositamente studiato da designer di Lissone ( capitale con Cantù del mobile italiano). La nostra struttura è una villa bifamiliare con mq.1000 di giardino utilizzabile dagli ospiti ( tranne il nostro orto). La pulizia viene effettuata giornalmente, ma mi è stato detto che preferivano non fosse fatta, perchè era tutto a posto e avevano dormito sopra le lenzuola per il caldo la prima notte ( benchè ci fosse l'aria condizionata a loro disposizione!). Se non mi viene permesso, non entriamo nella camera per 2 giorni, perchè l'ospite può avere effetti personali che non vuole mostrare. Il terzo giorno insistiamo per l'igienizzazione . La spazzatura della cena e colazione fatte in camera l'ho richiesta personalmente e debitamente smaltita secondo la nostra differenziata . La posizione del B&B era a voi nota, perchè io le ho scritto qual'è la distanza da casa nostra al palazzetto di Macherio ( circa km 2), di strada provinciale, con fermata dell'autobus Z221 a m. 400 da noi, con orari da verificare essendo terminate le scuole( come segnalato). Forse avrebbe dovuto consigliare alla signora Vanessa qui presente l'utilizzo di un passeggino per non dover portare Flavio in braccio, addormentato, a piedi... Il prezzo pagato è quello indicato da listino ( equivalente a € 30 a persona) e da voi accettato, con regolare ricevuta....cosa molto rara ogni volta che veniamo a Roma per piacere o per gare sportive Buona serata Giuliana Bedoni
Property: 7 | Cleaning: 10 | Host: 10 | Location: 9 | Price/Quality: 9
Unfortunately, the double bed had single mattresses, which was annoying for couples.
stayed from 04/04/2023 to 04/06/2023
The answer from the host:
Buongiorno. Il matrimoniale con materassi singoli è per noi una necessità per la difficoltà di girarli, se intero, per prendere aria e permette di dare i due letti singoli a chi li richiede. Grazie e buona Pasqua Giuliana
Property: 8 | Cleaning: 9 | Host: 10 | Location: 9 | Price/Quality: 9
Very good quality price, excellent reception, truly appreciated decor.
stayed from 04/20/2022 to 04/21/2022
The answer from the host:
Buongiorno. Grazie per la vostra recensione. Spero di potervi rivedere per la visita turistica della nostra zona..Buona giornata Giuliana.
Property: 9 | Cleaning: 10 | Host: 10 | Location: 10 | Price/Quality: 9 | Breakfast: 9
Perfectly located in a very quiet area of the town, without being far from public transport stops or supermarkets; a few meters from the entrance of Monza Park, this B&B Dell'Olmo managed by Giuliana and in the presence of her husband is truly a welcoming place that will definitely make you feel at home! A positive experience, friendliness and helpfulness all around! Rooms and bathroom always clean, good and abundant breakfast with homemade cakes!
stayed from 09/09/2021 to 09/13/2021
The answer from the host:
Grazie Sara per le belle parole. Speriamo di riaverti con noi prossimamente e buona vita! Giuliana.
Property: 8 | Cleaning: 9 | Host: 10 | Location: 10 | Price/Quality: 8 | Breakfast: 10
B&B excellent in every aspect, cleanliness, order, friendliness, services, location! We really enjoyed our stay and had a hard time leaving! Came for the Formula 1 GP weekend and Mrs. Giuliana was super helpful especially in accepting our return and departure times from the B&B during the days. We will definitely come back.
stayed from 09/09/2021 to 09/13/2021
The answer from the host:
Grazie Rachele. È stato bello conoscervi. Ti auguro ogni bene e buon rientro in Sicilia. Alla prossima occasione. Giuliana.
Property: 9 | Cleaning: 9 | Host: 10 | Location: 10 | Price/Quality: 8 | Breakfast: 10
I stayed for three nights with my daughter on the occasion of the Formula 1 Grand Prix (September 2019). Cozy structure located a 10-minute walk from the entrance of the racetrack, very convenient. Mrs. Giuliana and her husband are very kind and always available, and breakfast offers a good selection with homemade cakes. I hope to have the opportunity to return.
stayed from 09/05/2019 to 09/08/2019
The answer from the host:
Buonasera, grazie delle belle parole! È stato bello conoscervi e passare un po' di tempo in compagnia di tutti gli ospiti sabato sera, prima della gara. Al prossimo anno, se vorrete tornare a trovarci. Grazie.
Property: 10 | Cleaning: 10 | Host: 10 | Location: 10 | Price/Quality: 9
Excellent structure one minute drive from the entrance of Biassono at the Monza Racetrack.\n\nImpeccable cleanliness, spacious and characteristic (attic) room in its simplicity. The spiral staircase leading to the room is not the most comfortable, but it is a negligible detail.\n\nThe managers are kind and very available for any request. Highly recommended, I will definitely be back at the first opportunity.
stayed from 12/07/2018 to 12/08/2018
The answer from the host:
Buongiorno Edoardo. Grazie per la bella recensione e vi aspettiamo al prossimo Rally! Giuliana.
Property: 10 | Cleaning: 10 | Host: 10 | Location: 10 | Price/Quality: 10 | Breakfast: 9
I stayed with my three children for three nights during the F1 2018 Grand Prix and we had a great time. The attic is cozy, very clean, and functional. The hosts were always very helpful and friendly. Staying at this B&B Dell'Olmo significantly enhanced the sports event experience.
stayed from 08/30/2018 to 09/02/2018
The answer from the host:
Carissimi, grazie della vostra bella recensione che ho provveduto a copiare anche nel mio sito.. Vi auguro Buon Natale e Buone Feste, sperando di rivedervi magari per il prossimo GP d'Italia. Cordialmente vi saluto Giuliana.
Property: 9 | Cleaning: 10 | Host: 10 | Location: 10 | Price/Quality: 10 | Breakfast: 10
Me, my grandfather, my cousin and my uncle had a great time, I highly recommend.\n\nClean and cozy place! Fantastic and delicious breakfast! Perfect management!
stayed from 09/01/2017 to 09/04/2017
The answer from the host:
Buongiorno! Grazie Francesco. Spero di riavervi nostri graditissimi ospiti in un'altra occasione, magari il prossimo Gran Premio Italia 2018. Forza Ferrari! E buon anno scolastico a te e Nicolò! Grazie. Giuliana.
Property: 7 | Cleaning: 8 | Host: 8 | Location: 7 | Price/Quality: 7 | Breakfast: 8
I highly recommend it. The owners are fantastic people, the location is truly beautiful, and reaching the Monza racetrack is a pleasant walk.
stayed from 06/16/2017 to 06/17/2017
The answer from the host:
Grazie Maria Rita. Spero di rivederti quando tornerai a Milano. Salutaci la bella Palermo e mi auguro tu possa realizzare il tuo sogno di lavoro. Giuliana.
Property: 10 | Cleaning: 10 | Host: 10 | Location: 10 | Price/Quality: 10 | Breakfast: 10
My husband and I stayed at this B&B for one night during the I-Days in Monza.\n\nThe owners are very kind and helpful. The attic is very charming and clean.\n\nThe house is located in a green, quiet area just a stone's throw from the Monza circuit.\n\nEverything perfect! Highly recommended!
stayed from 06/17/2017 to 06/18/2017
The answer from the host:
Grazie Cinzia e Luigi! È stato bello conoscervi e vedere la vostra passione per i concerti. Mio figlio ringrazia per la maglietta. Buona estate e arrivederci. Giuliana.
Property: 9 | Cleaning: 10 | Host: 9 | Location: 9 | Price/Quality: 8 | Breakfast: 10
Family atmosphere and excellent hospitality. The structure is very nice and clean, surrounded by a large garden and very close to the Monza racetrack (you can easily walk there). Abundant and delicious breakfast (the homemade cake made by Mrs. Giuliana is excellent). Highly recommended for events near the racetrack, but also for enjoying a low-cost holiday in Monza and surroundings!
stayed from 06/16/2017 to 06/17/2017
The answer from the host:
Grazie Alessandro! Siete stati gentili e carinissimi. Spero di vedervi presto da noi, magari anche con più calma e relax, indipendentemente dai concerti che avete apprezzato. Buona estate nella vostra splendida Lecce. Giuliana.
Property: 10 | Cleaning: 10 | Host: 10 | Location: 9 | Price/Quality: 8 | Breakfast: 9
A warm and familiar welcome, a place absolutely recommendable for those who want to stay in Monza for pleasure or for work.
stayed from 11/19/2016 to 11/20/2016
The answer from the host:
Ciao Alessandro e Franca! Grazie per la gentilissima recensione. È stato bello questo baratto e conoscervi. Ripetiamo l'esperienza in primavera vedendoci per qualche evento anche a Brescia in inverno! Buon lavoro e un caro abbraccio. Giuliana.
Property: 10 | Cleaning: 10 | Host: 10 | Location: 10 | Price/Quality: 10 | Breakfast: 10
I was welcomed like one of the family, very kind, extremely helpful, very well-kept and very clean room, spacious and beautiful bathroom. What can I say, I hope to come back next year for the Italian F1 Grand Prix. Oh, I forgot, really close to the racetrack. Highly recommended.
stayed from 08/31/2016 to 09/05/2016
The answer from the host:
Grazie Milena! È stato bello conoscerti ed averti nostra ospite. Abbiamo fatto tante belle risate insieme in un clima di grande tranquillità, aspettando i successi della Ferrari ed un podio c'è stato! Speriamo di sentirti durante l'anno con belle novità e di riaverti nostra ospite!
Property: 10 | Cleaning: 10 | Host: 10 | Location: 10 | Price/Quality: 10 | Breakfast: 10
Hi Giuliana! I'm Agustin Pujana's daughter! I'm waiting to see you for the next F1 GP if my job allows me to go. Last weekend I made your awesome yogurt cake for some friends. Of course, yours with your touch is much better. I love those great breakfasts at your house that you make ours every year. Hoping to see you soon!
stayed from 04/02/2016 to 09/02/2016
The answer from the host:
Ciao Ana. Grazie per la tua recensione gentilissima. Mi spiace non vedervi per il Gran Premio di Monza, ma così avremo modo di vederci a Santander per non restare senza un incontro annuale così amichevole. Tanti cari auguri per tuuto e salutaci tanto tuo padre Agustin! W Ferrari! Giuliana.
Property: 10 | Cleaning: 10 | Host: 10 | Location: 10 | Price/Quality: 10 | Breakfast: 10
I felt at home, welcomed like one of the family. I arrived in the evening and tired, Giuliana even offered me to have dinner with them and so I did, then staying to talk pleasantly until late. The room is clean and interesting, the bathroom spacious and well-equipped, maximum cleanliness everywhere. I will come back with pleasure.
stayed from 10/03/2015 to 10/04/2015
The answer from the host:
Ciao Francesca. Anche a me sei sembrata subito una di famiglia che rientrava da fuori e aveva da raccontare esperienze ed emozioni. Abbiamo passato proprio una bella serata insieme, con la pizza consegnataci da mio figlio che così hai intravisto. Spero di vederti di nuovo, presto, magari dalle tue parti. Abbraccio forte e buona vita!
Property: 10 | Cleaning: 10 | Host: 10 | Location: 9 | Price/Quality: 10 | Breakfast: 10
Availability, welcome and kindness from all the members of the splendid B&B Dell'Olmo family. A beautiful comfortable and clean environment, a quiet house where you rest well and when you open the window you can admire a beautifully manicured green garden. Very beautiful and colorful room with ample space, large and wide shower in the bathroom, excellent breakfast with always delicious cakes or pies from the friendly Mrs. Giuliana. Two minutes walk from the famous Monza park and very close to the bus line. I will gladly return.
stayed from 09/21/2015 to 09/25/2015
The answer from the host:
Ciao Mauro. È un piacere averti con noi. Spero di vederti presto ed in buona salute, perché anche in inverno il Parco di Monza nelle ore più calde ha molto da raccontarci. I cani in "asilo" da Marta ti aspettano per le coccole e Giacomo per scambiare qualche risata fra giovani. A presto!
Property: 10 | Cleaning: 10 | Host: 10 | Location: 9 | Price/Quality: 10 | Breakfast: 10
We had a great time, essential but comfortable room, everything very clean, lovely hosts, silence and tranquility, excellent and abundant breakfast.
stayed from 11/23/2014 to 11/26/2014
Property: 10 | Cleaning: 10 | Host: 10 | Location: 10 | Price/Quality: 10 | Breakfast: 9
Mrs. Giuliana is very kind, caring, and extremely helpful. The B&B Dell'Olmo is just a few meters from the entrance of the Monza racetrack, very close to the bus stop and the center of Biassono. Satisfied and happy to have stayed at this B&B.
stayed from 09/03/2014 to 09/08/2014
francesco andrea
Property: 10 | Cleaning: 10 | Host: 10 | Location: 10 | Price/Quality: 10 | Breakfast: 10
Great structure, family environment, the owners are truly capable people. The attic is spacious, comfortable, and cozy. Just a stone's throw from the Monza racetrack. I highly recommend this B&B.
stayed from 11/18/2013 to 11/23/2013
The answer from the host:
Grazie Francesco per la tua recensione! Siamo molto contenti di averti conosciuto ed è stato un buon baratto quello che abbiamo fatto insieme: ospitalità in cambio di siti web. Ma soprattutto voglia di conoscersi, comunicare esperienze diverse in clima di grande positività. Spero di averti invogliato a conoscere la nostra Brianza, ricca di cultura, tradizione e valori (spesso nascosti sotto il correre continuo). A risentirci! Giuliana e famiglia con amicizia e gratitudine.
Property: 10 | Cleaning: 10 | Host: 10 | Location: 10 | Price/Quality: 10 | Breakfast: 7
Located in the greenery, very close to the center of Biassono and a stone's throw from the entrance of the Monza racetrack, I am happy to have spent some days here.
stayed from 09/05/2013 to 09/08/2013
The answer from the host:
Grazie Nicolò per la tua gentilissima recensione! Speriamo di vederci presto a Palermo! Ho dimenticato il tuo cell. Me lo puoi mandare via sms? Buona serata! Giuliana e famiglia.

B&B Dell'Olmo

78563 visite
Member since August 2005
  • Cellulare 340 4604216

In The Surroundings

*Distances As The Crow Flies